Natural Resource Planning Services is pleased to announce the addition of Gregory D. “Greg” Driskell to its consulting forestry firm. Greg is well known in the forestry community in Florida and the Southeastern US. Greg received a Bachelors in Forest Resource and Conservation from the University of Florida before embarking on a diverse and distinguished career with stops at Georgia Pacific Corp, The Timber Company, Plum Creek Timber Company, Forest Capital Partners, and Hancock Forest Management. Currently, Greg is assisting in the NRPS Legacy Forestry Services division – managing restoration and silviculture projects.
“We are absolutely thrilled to have Greg come aboard as a member of the NRPS family. Many of us have known Greg dating all the way back to his GP forestry days, and have maintained a close professional relationship with Greg for decades now. Greg brings all the tools necessary to be successful as a consulting forester and provides NRPS with additional expertise related to issues pertinent to industrial forest management due to his extensive background with TIMOs & REITs.” – John Holzaepfel, President of Natural Resource Planning Services.
Greg has a FL Real Estate license and is looking forward to assisting in timberland brokerage as well. To learn more about Greg Driskell contact the San Antonio office (352) 588-2580. To view Greg’s resume, click here.